
Monday, July 2, 2012

An Update From The Writing Bomb

Hi Writer Buddies,
I'm sorry I haven't posted anything lately. I 've been busy with The KBR contest and writing and doing a lot of interviews lately, including radio and pod casts. I really want to post part 2 of the "Expanding your Reach" series, because there is another way to sell your books that I want you to be aware of. Looking forward to sharing that.

Here's an ACX Update (remember, the audio book creation exchange I wrote about?): After two full weeks of publishing Creepy in audio through Amazon, Audible, and iTunes, I have sold a total of 139 audio books. So I think that was a great option. This is definitely worth your consideration and time.

For now, if you're interested, here's the full interview I did with Jay Boyer. ~> Listen Now.

That's all for now. Talk to ya soon. OH! BTW, The Indie Author's Guide is FREE today.

Jeff Bennington is the best-selling author of Reunion, Twisted Vengeance, and The Indie Author's Guide to the Universe. 



  1. The Indie Author's Guide is NOT FREE today on Monday, July 2, 2012 . I am from Slovenia and I have checked on , the Kindle price showing is $5.74 .

    What is wrong ?

  2. Not sure. It has been free for two days and is currently ranked 600+ in the free store. Amazon has obviously not made it free in your location. Wait a day or two and maybe they will catch up.

  3. I have discovered the reason for free books not being free in some countries:,119377.25.html

    Changing country on a kindle account to US helped me to get free books now !!!!!


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