
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why I'm Joining Amazon's KDP Select Program

Amazon is playing games and they're changing the rules again. They're changing the game, and they're doing it in time for Christmas. Most Amazon authors and publishers have received an email from Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform. Got mine today. If you haven't, check your email, check your KDP account and check it fast.

What are they doing? They are playing the Monopoly card, hoping to sway authors to publish solely with them, forsaking all others. And as far as I'm concerned, I'm going to play too. Essentially, Amazon's Kindle store has set up a program called, Amazon Prime. This program costs kindle owners $79 a year, but once they are a member, they can access kindle books from the Kindle Owner's Lending Library FOR FREE.

Authors who publish on Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing platform have the option to "opt-in" to the KDP Select program that will make their books available to Amazon Prime members. If an author chooses to do this, he or she will receive part of the $500,000 cash available in the program for December 2011, and the estimated $12 Million in 2012 as an additional source of royalties.

Is there a catch? Yes. You have to make your ebooks available EXCLUSIVELY through the Kindle store. You can still sell your print books anywhere, just not your ebooks. You can no longer sell them on Barnes & Noble, iBook Store, Goodreads, Smashwords, etc.

Will authors get paid for their books? No; not with traditional royalties anyway. The royalties, from what I understand, are based on the number of books borrowed divided by the amount of money in the fund. They hope to loan 100K ebooks by the end of 2011. If they reach that goal, authors whose books were borrowed will receive a proportional amount. For example: if your book is loaned 1,500 times before the end of December, and they reach their goal of 100K total books loaned, you will get 1.5% (or $7,500) of the $500,000.

Sound complicated? It sort of is. Sound risky? Yes. Could it be worth it? I think so. The way I understand it, Amazon is doing what Netflix did in the movie rental business; only with Amazon it's Pay a yearly fee and get free books all year. I think it's a great idea and a model that Libraries should follow.

After reading through the details, I found out exactly how many ebooks I've sold through my other sales channels. After doing the math, I decided that there isn't any reason why I shouldn't give this a try, because the results are so lopsided. Here's what I discovered....

Total Sales since March 2011 (Date I started selling online).
Source               # books      % of Sales
Kindle sales   =  5866            97.0 %
Nook Sales    =    114              1.8%
Smashwords  =      49                .8%
Apple ibooks =      11                .2%

For me, the decision is not just about joining Amazon's KDP Select Program, it's about spending my time and resources where there is actually a return on my investment. If you sell a significant amount of books through those other sites, you might make a different decision. But for me, I'm in.

I look forward to being one of the newer and maybe few authors who participate in this program. I look forward to the extra promotion that Amazon offers as an incentive. And I look forward to another stream of royalties.

Like any new program, it's an experiment. But I'll give it a try and see how it goes. I like games. So lets play Amazon...I'm pretty good at Monopoly.

~Jeff Bennington
Author of Reunion, Twisted Vengeance & Creepy

I'd like to know what you think. Please comment and follow my blog if this has been helpful. To read more about the program click here. If you'd like to buy my supernatural thrillers, go here ~~~>


  1. I hope this program does well.

    Though I'm still angry with Amazon for using a propitiatory format on the Kindle.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think I might give it a go. Unlike your sales, I am fairly new to Kindle and have yet to reach 100 sales (in my first month), although I now have 10 books online. I can't really see what I have to lose?

  4. I signed up my newest book "Chase the Moon". Amazon has been very good to me and I think it is a wonderful opportunity to get my book in front of more readers. It is win win, Readers get a great free book and I get a slice of the pie.

    Lynn Hubbard

  5. Based on the info you provided, it seems like a sound business decision. Best of luck.

  6. I'm still torn. My results are similar to yours with spread between kindle, nook.... and it makes me wonder if all my sales are there anyway, hmmm.

    And I think kindle Fire is going to take off and a large percentage of those people will get prime so they can get free pandora, netflix and books.

    I'm not jumping in right away, but I may in early 2012.

    Good luck!

  7. I am still waffling, too. You only have to do this for 90 days, right?

  8. Does this mean you can't have ANY of your eBooks anywhere else or just the books that you have in this program?

    Lynnette Labelle

  9. I'm all for it. This gives new authors a level playing field, a great opportunity to win new readers and get their name known. Not much to lose for 3 months exclusivity.

  10. Good post. I'm weighing the pros and cons of KDP and your insights are helpful. Thanks.

  11. @Lynnette, Hello. You are only committed to restrict the books you enter in the program. I entered all my books in the program and I've already had one book loaned. If they hit their goal that one rental was worth more to me than if I sold it.

    @Kelly, Yes. This is only a 90 day commitment. But I'm already enjoying the free promotion tool. I can schedule a book to be free on demand, for one or five days on any date I choose.

    @Doug, As with all Amazon programs, the sooner your title starts swirling around, the more visibility it gets. Those who get in early will be on all the book pages long before everyone Else decides to join.

    @Mac, I don't know why you'd be angry with an institution you can't change. Better to embrace the way it is and figure out how to leverage the new systems. Angry will only hold you back.

  12. @Lynn, Good Luck with Chase the Moon. I hope it does well. Thanks for stopping by.

    @Kelly S G, Hey there. I agree. Definitely worth a try anyway. And so glad you enjoyed the books. You still have CREEPY to read. That's my collection of true ghost stories and short suspense.

    @Monique, True day! Newer authors have not had it so good In a long time...if ever.

    @Rahma, Thanks for visiting. And just like this post, getting in early on the conversation gets attention. That's why I didn't waste any time writing today's blog post and signing up for the program.

  13. This is very interesting, and based on your percentages---97% Amazon---I guess I can understand why you're in. I hate that authors will be alienating potential readers through nook and other ereaders, not to mention readers using their laptop. I guess my biggest concern is: how Amazon is vague on how much the author gets paid?

    Sounds very self-serving on Amazon's part. Even though I do buy 99.9% of my books from Amazon, I don't know that I agree with them trying to pigeon hole authors and readers for that matter.

  14. I missed the ninety days part... I guess that helps a little.

  15. So, I have to ask. What happens if your book is only loaned out 12 times. You will only get the small percentage on those twelve books and you will have missed potentially thousands of sales. Heaven help you if the big houses start putting bestseller backlists up there because everyone will borrow those and not yours and they will make money on books that are not even being sold, while you will make pennies and have lost your target audience. Because, once you take those books off the sale market, you will alienate every person who doesn't have a Kindle and once they flee, they will not come back.

    I thought about this, but it is simply too risky to compete in a free market with big no potential for sales at all. Zero. And you have nothing to fall back on,since you have put all your books there, you cannot even use some titles to feed the interest in other books you have for sale because you will have none for sale.

  16. I agree with Monique. As a new writer with no following yet this is better than nothing. I really like the idea of it. As Lynn said it's win-win.

  17. I opted in to for my book Fram Gage and The Infinite Ability.

    Though shortly after I opted in I sold a copy of the book on Smashwords. Ironically, I almost NEVER sell anything on their except through their distributors. Makes me wonder if I made the best decision. At least in 90 days I can go back.

  18. All right. I'm going to give it a go. I wasn't sure, but I'm going to try it. I'm not making sales on the other channels anyway.

    How long does it take for Smashwords to pull back distribution and all, though?

  19. Jeff, like you, my books' sales are massively more through Kindle than for any other platform. Probably 100 to 1. But my concern is them being vague on payout. Your line:

    "For example: if your book is loaned 1,500 times before the end of December, and they reach their goal of 100K total books loaned, you will get 1.5% (or $7,500) of the $500,000."

    What if they exceed that 100k lent mark? What if they lend a million? My 1500 lends would then only be .15%, which is a payout of $750, or $.50 per book. What if the Kindle Fire blows up and they lend five million? Now I'd be down to $.10 per book.

    Hey, I understand the exposure part - that's 1500 people that "may" not have bought the book. But I'm still on the fence. I just don't see any way Amazon would "pay" $5 per book (on a $2.99 book mind you) for it to be lent out for free. I think the end payout will be drastically less. Just my two cents...or ten...or fifty... :)

    ~Steve Umstead

  20. re: I agree with Monique. As a new writer with no following yet this is better than nothing.

    Unfortunately, I think this is kinda the same as nothing.

    At least when you are in selling venues (multiple venues) you have the potential for exposure. In this instance the only exposure you have is to Kindle owners, not even potential Kindle owners, only those in Prime, and that is alienating millions of potential customers.

    It is still Kindle picking and choosing what books they promote and we all know how that will end.

    Sorry, I'll stop now, this isn't my blog, but I really feel badly that this will not be the blessing others think it will be.

    I sincerely hope it works out well for those of you trying it.

  21. Amazon has possibly done it. This may actually be the death blow for B&N. In the end it may be bad for us as authors. It could potentially limit the competition where we can publish our work. This would allow Amazon to take advantage of being the "only game in town". Right now the authors will benefit from this competition. What incentive would Amazon have to continue this program if they no longer had the competition spurring them to this action.

    Don't get me wrong, when I release my first in January, I'm in! Mostly, because I am a capitalist and feel there is no reason to "fight the system." Use it. Make your own opportunities.

    Side note: If I read my email correctly, then authors are still allowed to sell via kindle ebooks. So your revenue stream there will remain in tact. So the only risk is the other outlets. You will lose the 3% as well as the possibility to GROW that 3%.

  22. CLARIFICATION: I understand that the 90 day exclusive is something you have to re-up every 90 days to continue your KDP Select listing. I could be wrong. Better check the small print.

    OPPORTUNITY TO SUPPORT INDIES: If you subscribe to Amazon Prime, you will be in a position to support as many indie authors as you wish at no additional cost through the Select Library. Since it doesn't cost to borrow, even if you just check out an indie book, you can help out your fellow indie author for free. Then return it and borrow another indie - even it the book's not your particular cup of tea.

    I'm only putting my volleyball book into Select at this time. But I'll be watching what happens in 2012. I agree that Kindle Fire will boost Prime memberships, and therefore, Select borrowing.

  23. I'm passing on this one only because I get 90% of my short story ebook sales through Smashwords third-party distribution (i.e., Apple, B&N, Kobo, Sony, etc.). Check out the Smashwords blog on why this might be a bad deal for all indie authors.

  24. @T.J. ~ Thanks for reading. Like I said, it's worth a try. 90 days isn't too much of a comitment to try something new.

    @Echelon Press ~ I think you are missing something... My books will still be available for sale. I am simply adding the loaning option as yet another source of revenue. Folks who are buying will continue to keep buying, but I'm currently missing the revenue that comes from the Select program. As things stand, the kindle owners who have bought into the Prime program are not going to buy my books when they can borrow for free. By joining the KDP Select program, I get to sell my books to those who are NOT in the Prime program and loan to those who are.

    As far as alienating anyone goes, all I can do is look at the numbers. True, I will lose 3% of my sales. Honestly, I've put a whole lot more than 3% of my time into those other platforms and they have not helped me grow my business near to the degree that Amazon has. If B&N and iBooks and Smashwords would create a system that gives books more face time and exposure, I may make a different decision.

    Now from your perspective, I can see how this is not advantageous. You sell ebooks through your site and across the board. Variety is the spice to your life. I get that.

    As an independent author, I can move easily with the ebb and flow of the new trends, no one to inflate my price, or decide what is best for me. And since this is not a permanent thing, I feel comfortable trying this for now. Like I said, what have I got to lose, I'm selling about everything on Amazon right now anyway, might as well make my book available to the Prime members as well.

    @Time Capsule ~ I wouldn't look at that as an omen. That was chance. Look at the big picture. Look at the ratio and consider what SW is doing to promote you vs. Amazon. I understand that there are risks. Is all a big crap shoot anyway. Good luck.

  25. @Ruth, I unpublished my works from SW last night and they are unavailable already. The way I look at it is, I've not been very satisfied with what the other platforms are doing. Like any other service I use, if they are not giving me a value, I dump 'em. Why keep using a program that is not working. Three percent of my sale platforms are not working. Why would I keep them?

    @Steve, Hiya. That is a good question, but again I have to say... this is only adding to my income stream, not subtracting. If the payout is less than hoped for, I can pull out (that's what she said) and if it's better, I'll stay. Bottom line is, my work is now available to PRIME members where it wasn't before. I do love nook users, and if they want a copy of my book, I'll give it to them until enough of them seek out my work. But they just aren't there right now. In otherwords, I love them but they don't love me and that's not the kind of disfunctional relationship I want to be in right now.

    @MyLtlDmn ~ Thanks for jumping in. You are correct. Our ebooks are still for sale to those who are not in the Prime program. Again, this is an add on, not a closure.

    @John ~ Thanks for posting your comment. You are correct, this is a 90 at a time deal. I can back out in mid February if I want to and I will be open to that if it is not advantageous. But what I don't want to do is miss out on being on the ground floor like I did in 2008-09, which was a much better time to be an indie because there books are now everywhere on Amazon. The early bird gets the worm... that's what my mother always said. And btw, thanks for the tweet about my covers today. I really appreciate your promotion. I see your numbers are looking good. Congrats. Can you let me know how that works for you, as in if there was a spike in sales upon changing the cover? I'm trying to collect some data on the subject.

    @CD ~ Perhaps you should look at that 90% and see exactly where the money is coming from? Does SW publish your work on Amazon as well or do you publish your work their seperatly? I'm curious, because what if Amazon is responsible for 90% of that 90%? Anyway, I know we all have a different take. This is mine... for now.

  26. I signed on this morning. A good 90% of my sales come through Amazon anyway, so I have precious little to lose. Feels like it has great potential. Since Prime members can only borrow one ebook a month, I wasn't sure what my chances would be in seeing my book borrowed. But it's already got a borrower, so I'm hopeful!

  27. I think what everyone needs to remember is Prime members can only borrow one book per MONTH, not just borrow a bunch. So in a 90 day period, they can borrow three books. My feeling is they won't bother borrowing a $.99 or $2.99 book, they'll borrow the $14.99 Stephen King or the $16.99 Michael Connelly, etc. ( I know I would.) Not to mention I feel that Amazon will be 'pushing' (for lack of a better term) their prime authors.

    Also, I still can't wrap my head around that 1.5% example they gave. Are they saying little old me, self-published author, will be 1/66th of the entire lending library total? I think the chances of having one out of 66 books lent through this program being mine are astronomically slim. I feel Amazon throwing out "hey, look you can make $7500 my allowing us to lend for free" is disingenuous and terribly unrealistic.

    That being said the ability to offer a book for free is a valid benefit; then again, we've all gone through the pricing debate, and many are falling on the "free and $.99 don't get read" side of the debate. Maybe it would work for the first in a series? Not sure. Exposure certainly can be a benefit.

    Me? I'm self-published for a reason, and that reason is control. To allow Amazon (and again this is opt-in) to say that I am not allowed to sell my book anywhere else but there screams monopoly. Yes, a huge percentage of my sales are Kindle, but who's to say what I'd be missing by doing this? Could my Nook sales have gone through the roof instead? Or the iPad market finally takes off, and my iBooks blow up? Being limited to one basket is dangerous...

  28. Great points, Steve. I certainly don't plan on getting $7,500 in December, but I have already had one of my titles loaned in the first 24 hrs. That's a good sign considering none of my books are priced higher than 99¢ at the moment. Who knows what motivated that reader to borrow my book. Hopefully they'll borrow more.

  29. I had a few questions about the program, and Amazon answered all of them. And, as the other distributors accountd for less than 1% of my sales, I signed up the first book in my series. I'm waiting to see how the first 90 day period goes.

  30. Jeff,
    This is a fascinating debate. I don't like the control being exerted by Amazon yet, it's hard to deny they do account for 99% of my sales as well. Thanks for covering this topic so thoroughly. You've given me a lot to think about.

  31. I'm amazed at the number of authors who have dismissed this program outright, purely because of the 'exclusivity' factor. Yes, Amazon is one of the big boys and only wants to get bigger, but so what? It's a business; of course they want to continue to grow. If authors are smart about things, they'll see that this new program offers some huge promo opportunities and control over them as well. Remember, just because you join the program doesn't mean ALL your books have to join the program.

  32. Supporting this program, to me, as an author is supporting an attempt to monopolize. Not only do I like my Nook better than I ever liked Kindle, but I don't like Microsoft's business practices nor Adobe's and I certainly am getting very unhappy with Amazon's. This is just Amazon's way of buying their way to monopoly. And while my books also sell more Kindle than Nook, I cannot ever support such a business philosophy. Not when brick and mortar stores continue to fail. Not when publishing industry issues continue with Amazon. Not when there are still readers who buy my books other places. Not at all.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. The danger of a monopoly (not that a small handful of us little people can do anything about it, but I think it's what's causing a lot of the angst) is that once that monopoly is in place, they can do what they wish pricing-wise. And in our case (self-pub authors), while we're still on an agency pricing model (we set the price), Amazon can (and if they're the only game in town, will) reduce the royalty rate.

    Making 70% royalty is absurdly lucrative, and while every business (including Amazon) has the right to grow and make money, I think that's the stick at the end of this carrot. If Amazon succeeds with this exclusivity program, and Nook/iBooks suffers (or cannot grow further), I have no doubt that 70% royalty goes the way of the buggy whip.

    Coke has its Pepsi, Walmart has its Target, Google has its Microsoft, Apple has its Android...and we need Amazon to have its BN/Apple/Kobo/Sony/etc.


  35. I suspect Apple and others will counter with a more juicy carrot.

  36. I'm biased. I've always been one for diversity and Amazon clearly tries to push the other retailers out of the market. Sure, for the individual author, this seems to be a great idea. But in the long run, I am sure it will be a bog disadvantage -- especially for non-US authors. In Europe, many more copies are sold through the other retailers because the Kindle isn't as far spread. If Amazon succeeds in pushing those retailers out, it will become exceedingly difficult for authors from other countries to be successful. I don't like it -- I've got a conscience to live with.

  37. I have a question. These are the terms of the program:

    "During this period of exclusivity, you cannot sell or distribute, or give anyone else the right to sell or distribute, your Digital Book (or content that is reasonably likely to compete commercially with your Digital Book, diminish its value, or be confused with it), in digital format in any territory where you have rights."

    Does this mean I will not be able to send free copies to book blogs for review? I think it does. I don't think I like that.

  38. I'm not interested in taking part in anything that gives a retailer a monopoly over the market. Why give Amazon so much power over ebooks? Companies who think they are the only game in town are bound to abuse their power.

    Barnes & Noble is spending every advertising dollar they've got (and they have a lot) pushing Nook. The Nook is a more versatile and user-friendly product. I'm not going to leave Nook users out in the cold, and I'm not going to discount the possibility that Nook will overtake Kindle, either.

    Eventually, the technophobes who are afraid of e-readers will give in, and they're more likely to give in to Nook, which is already sold at their local bookstore and where booksellers can take it in their hand and fix their problems for them, than to order sight unseen from Amazon.

  39. I am releasing a collection of short stories later this month and I intend to enroll it in the KDP Select program. For me, it's as much about experimenting as anything else.

    Microsoft has an arguable monopoly on PCs and software. I hate MS... I use Linux Ubuntu. It's free and growing in popularity. When you are the top dog, the only direction to go is down and there is always another dog ready to take your place. The Indie market is too versatile and accessible for even Amazon to completely dominate it. Eventually, someone else comes along with a better mousetrap.

    I'm an entrepreneur, even if only as a self pub author. If I come up with an awesome idea that makes me millions of dollars but makes it harder for my competition, then they either step up to the plate or die. It's called capitalism. If Amazon starts playing games with their commission structure, they will see Indie authors retaliate in droves. It wouldn't take much "banding together" before we found another way to sell our books. Let's face it, it's pretty easy to send someone an ebook and taking credit cards is a piece of cake, too. So let's see what Amazon's competition is willing to offer to stay in the game. In the meantime, I want my share of the pie. BTW, I only make .35 a book now, so I don't see much of a danger with Select. We'll see.

  40. I can use all of the tools, resources, support and proven success to build my kindle empire and take full advantage of what Amazon is creating for a new media professionals like me @katie_quist

  41. While all three of my novels have been Kindle paid genre bestsellers, they have sold squat via other platforms (B&N, Smashwords, etc.) So, I'm willing to give it a shot. The way I look at it, I've got little to lose. So far, Amazon has been very good to me and also very responsive with my queries, troubleshooting, etc. Five minutes after signing up, a Prime member borrowed one of my titles. I'll decide after 90 days whether it was worthwhile and whether or not to renew. It's nice not being treated like chopped liver as an author.

    I'm wondering when to do the 5-day free availability option. I would think the week before Xmas would make sense.

  42. I love your comments and opinions, folks. I'm so glad I posted this. After three days in the select program I've rented 5 books, my sales have spiked tremendously, I've had a great 2 day promo, and I've sold 5 copies of one of my books in I've never sold anything there. Plus, my UK sales have taken their first spike ever (+50 copies). So far so good.

    Honestly, I can't believe how passionate some of you are regarding this monopoly business. B&N and apple will likely respond and if the don't, their market share will simply crumble; and that won't be on Amazon's back. That'll happen because of their own unresponsiveness. I'd recommend going with the hot button for now, or you'll miss the opportunity while it's here.

    We're not guaranteed any of this will last, so don't worry about what the market will do and who "could" monoplolize. If B&N changes their policies, I'll go back. For now, they ain't doin' nothin' for me and probably not much for you either.

  43. I sell a lot of books at B&N. To jump in without really reading all the fine print is far too risky for me. Believe me, Amazon is going for the jugular and monopoly is NEVER a good thing. Still not sure what to do but I don't like a carrot being dangled in my face with little clauses that most authors ignore. Go read the terms and conditions.

  44. Concentrating one's efforts in one spot conserves time and energy for a busy author. For me, that spot has to belong to Amazon Kindle. Let's not forget that Amazon began reasearch and development into ebooks over a decade ago, which has paid off by granting the biggest voice to authors who otherwise wouldn't have had one. As to whether I'm participating in Amazon's KDP Select program? Hell, yea!

  45. I'm one the fence, but leaning towards going with the KDP program.

    'd like an answer to Phantomimic's question about whether we can send electronic copies to reviewers, though. We shouldn't be limited as to how we promote our own businesses.

    Also, Jeff - if I unpublish from Smashwords, does that take my book off other distributor's sites?

    Thanks, a great article and discussion!

  46. @Richard, You have every right to give copies away in any format you wish. You just can't sell your Select titles in any other platform. You can give review copies away. As far as your SW question, I don't know. I didn't use SW to publish in the other stores. I did that myself and so I had to remove from B&N, SW, apple etc, on my own. You'll have to contact SW to find out. Sorry I couldn't help w/ that one.

    @Anonymous~ In your case, I wouldn't either... maybe. But I'm glad to hear that you are doing so well in B & N . You are one of the few and I'd love to hear how that has happened for you... How you're marketing to accomplish that... Who your publisher is... What your genre is etc. Congrats!

    @Stavros~I like your enthusiasm. Best of luck to you.

  47. I'm in, too. I've tried different distributors, but Amazon is where I've made 99% of my earnings. If Smashwords, B&N, Apple, etc., want my ebooks, then it's their responsibility to make it worth my while. It's not my responsibility to take care of Mark Coker or any other publisher or distributor. It's not about monopoly---it's about who is running a better business model. Amazon, the "ruthless greedy monster" has put thousands of dollars into my bank account this year. Their business model has made it possible for me to pursue writing fiction full time. They've paid me on time and responded to all of my questions and concerns.

    As an author, it's really a shocker to not be treated like crap for a change.

  48. UPDATE: I enrolled all three of my novels. Since offering my thriller Permanent Interests as a freebie this morning, over 5,000 people have downloaded it, advancing it in popularity to #1 in the Political Fiction category, #2 in Spy Tales, #4 in Thrillers, #23 in Fiction, and #32 among all book genres. This is a two-day promotion, after which my other two will go freebie, sequentially, for 48 hours each. Whether this translates into higher sales afterward is an open question. It behooves us all to share our experiences.

  49. Read your post and all these comments. Decided to give KDP Select a shot.

  50. Just signed up. Thanks for the confidence!

    O, and I'll check out yer work 2. Looks like I'll like your stuff.

    :) Mia

  51. Great post, thanks.

    Does anybody have insight into the Smashwords-related questions/concerns voiced by Richard and Phantomimic? My novel Under Angels is currently published through Smashwords, and Smashwords is distributing it to everything (Apple, Sony, BN, etc.)

    To rephrase the question: Once I click the 'unpublish' button on Smashwords, how long must I wait to (legally) enroll in the KDP Select program? And who's checking?


    Jace D

  52. I have several books in the system and I have not seen my first check yet. The way the lending program is structured makes sense. In March 2012(my first month), my report shows (30 borrows).

    April is starting on a good note. Amazon is slowly creating a monopoly through bribes and incentives. We independent authors better be mindful of the pitfalls of monopolist capitalism.

    Monopolies are just like dictators, eventually they might screw you royally!


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