
Author Resources

Authors, Need A Little Direction? Here are a few resources that can help you lift off into the wide world of publishing…. Great Websites for Marketing & Connecting with Readers:
Places to Promote Your Freebie Days:
AUTHOR HELP LINE… Can’t figure out why your book isn’t selling. We can help.  This $99 Service includes the following from Jeff Bennington. Jeff has helped other authors drastically increase sales, bringing some into Amazon's TOP 100 paid!  BUY NOW
  • A complete written author platform analysis & recommendations.
  • A complete written cover analysis & recommendations.
  • A written Amazon Book Page Analysis & recommendations.
  • A 1-hour phone consultation.

Tweet Hashtags "#" and Twitter Folks to Help Promote Your Freebie:
  • #kindle #kindlefire #ebooks #FREE #mustread #goodreads #greatreads #freeebooks #Kindlefreebooks
  • #AmazonPrime #Kindledeals #kindledeals
  • @FreeKindleStuff @FreeReadFeed @free_kindle @Freebookdeal @freebookpromos @frebooksy
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  • @Kindlestuff
If you know of more, please let us know in the comments. Great Websites to Learn From:
Editors & Proofreaders & Cooperatives
The following is a list of key elements that will effect your biggest and best opportunity to FINALLY get noticed on the world stage:
  • Your Book Cover is the very first thing readers see, so it only stands to reason that it better be AWESOME. Unfortunately, many self-published authors have an unprofessional looking cover, yet expect professional results. Your cover needs to grab a reader's attention, draw them in, or create enough curiosity to earn a "click". If your book cover is lame or screams "self-published" you might get far fewer clicks than if you spent a little bit of money on a sweet cover. And in the world of KDP Select promotions, a loss of clicks can mean a loss of several hundred to several thousand dollars. So it is definitely worth the expense.
  • Your Book Blurb is your sales pitch, and you don't have much time to convince a book buyer to spend their dime on you. With so many books for free, and at affordable prices, your product description should be catchy, to the point, and professional. If you have misspelled words, or the layout of your product description is sloppy, too long, too short, or has bad formatting, a reader might assume that the book has similar issues. An ideal book description should include at least two quality reviews that build immediate credibility, followed by a brief, accurate, and compelling product description.
  • Your Price Point is critical. I mention pricing in my forthcoming book, The Indie Author's Guide to the Universe, in detail. But my opinion of book pricing has nothing to do with the value of your book, it has to do with the size of your audience. Therefore, if you're a newer author, and if you do not have many reviews, or awards, I would not recommend pricing your book over $2.99 during a KDP promotion. Unless your book really catches fire, a newer author is at risk of losing sales when over priced. In fact, check out the top 100; you'll notice that there are more low priced books than ever before.
  • Reviews sell books. The more you have, the more credibility you will have with your potential buyers. If you have very few reviews, you might not sell near as many books with your free promotion than if you had 10, 20, or more quality reviews. Likewise, if you have received poor reviews, there is a greater chance that you might not experience the same success as some authors have had with KDP Select. If you need more reviews, check out The Kindle Book Review among other sites. You can always solicit reviews from book bloggers.
  • Layer your Marketing. The Select free promotion is the best shot you may have to get your book promoted on a world stage. You have to throw everything you've got into this promotion. I recommend scheduling multiple promotions on the day, and days following the moment your book returns to the "paid" store. I discuss the concept of Marketing Layering in detail and provide a few websites that will coordinate this effort in my book.
So here's the deal: You have 90 days to use your 5 free days with KDP Select. If you are lacking in any of the elements listed above, I'd urge you to utilize your time and resources to get as many of these points nailed down BEFORE you offer your book for free. If you don't, you could get a whole bunch of nothing from what I consider one of the best promotional opportunities in the history of publishing.
Want to know more about Marketing Layering, Pricing Strategies, and everything else you need to know about indie publishing? It's all in  The Indie Author's Guide to the Universe.
If you know of other GREAT author resources, please let us know in the comments!